ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arnis in the Philippines

Arnis is a type of martial art that comes from the Philippines, which is a country made up of lots of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Basically, it's a way for people to learn how to defend themselves if they ever need to protect themselves.

In Arnis, you use special sticks made from bamboo or sometimes other materials, kind of like big pencils. You also learn how to use your own body to protect yourself, like blocking or dodging attacks from someone else.

But Arnis isn't just about fighting and being tough. It's also about being respectful and practicing discipline. That means listening to your teacher, being patient and following the rules.

Lots of people in the Philippines learn Arnis when they're younger, and some even keep practicing it throughout their whole lives. But it's not just for people in the Philippines. People all over the world enjoy learning and practicing Arnis, too!