ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights

Okay kiddo, so there is something called the European Convention on Human Rights. It is basically a set of rules that all the countries in Europe have agreed to follow.

Now, Article 10 is one of the things written in this set of rules. It says that everyone has the right to express their opinions and ideas without being silenced or punished.

Basically, it means that you can say what you think or feel, even if other people might not agree with you. You can write about it, talk about it, make art about it, or even protest peacefully about it.

However, sometimes people might use this right to say things that can hurt other people or put them in danger. For example, saying untrue or harmful things about someone online. So, in some cases, there might be limits on what someone can say or write. This is to protect others from harm.

Overall, Article 10 is an important rule that helps make sure that people can freely express themselves without fear of punishment or censorship, but also makes sure that people are not being hurt or causing harm to others with their words.