ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Artificial neural membrane

Artificial neural membrane is like a thin skin or layer that scientists and engineers create to imitate the way our brain cells work. Our brain cells, called neurons, pass electrical signals to one another through a small gap called a synapse. Similarly, the artificial neural membrane is made in such a way that it can transfer information or signals from one end to another like neurons do.

Scientists use very tiny building blocks to make these membranes called nanomaterials. Nanomaterials are so small that even thousands of them can fit on the head of a pin! These nanomaterials are arranged in a specific way to create tiny channels or pores in the membrane. These pores are important because they allow molecules, chemicals, or ions to pass through them in a specific way.

The artificial neural membrane can also change its structure and shape, forming little bumps or protrusions, just like our neurons’ dendrites do. These protrusions help to receive and send electrical signals.

Overall, artificial neural membranes are a cool invention that can help scientists learn more about how our brains work and help create technologies that can mimic and interact with our brains.