ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay little one, have you ever watched TV shows with your family or friends? Well, associated-rediffusion is like a fancy way of saying a TV company. Just like how your family has a TV to watch shows on, a TV company makes the shows that people watch on their TVs.

Now, this company called associated-rediffusion was created a long time ago in the United Kingdom. They made a lot of shows that people liked to watch, such as cartoons, dramas, and news programs.

But there's something special about associated-rediffusion that makes it different from other TV companies. You see, they wanted to make sure that their shows were interesting and fun for everyone to watch, so they created something called "viewer feedback."

This means that they would ask the people who watched their shows what they liked or didn't like about them. Then, based on that feedback, they would change things about the shows to make them better.

For example, if people said that a cartoon character had a boring voice, associated-rediffusion might change the voice actor to make the character more fun to listen to.

So, associated-rediffusion was really good at making TV shows that people loved because they listened to what the viewers had to say. And that's what sets them apart from other TV companies!