ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Association of African Universities

The Association of African Universities is like a club where universities in Africa come together to share ideas and help each other. Just like how you have friends in school and you do things together, these universities also have friends and they work together.

These universities are very special because they are in Africa, and they face some unique challenges that other universities in the world may not face. So, by coming together in the Association of African Universities, they can find ways to solve these challenges together.

Some of the things they do in the club include organizing conferences, workshops, and meetings. They also conduct research and share their findings with each other. By doing all these things together, they learn from each other and become better universities.

It's like when you play soccer with your friends, you get better because you learn from each other's skills and techniques. In the same way, universities in the Association of African Universities learn from each other and become better universities.

So, the Association of African Universities is like a club where universities in Africa come together to help each other become better.
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