ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Assyria (Roman province)

Assyria was a place that used to exist a long, long time ago. It was in a part of the world called the Middle East. People who lived there were called Assyrians.

After a while, some other people came and took over Assyria. They were called Romans. The Romans were very powerful and they had a big empire that included lots of different places. Assyria became part of their big empire and was called a Roman province.

Being a Roman province meant that the people who lived in Assyria had to follow Roman rules and do what the Romans said. They used Roman money and obeyed Roman leaders who were sent from far away to rule over them.

The Romans also built big cities and roads in Assyria to make it easier for them to get around. They even built a big wall to protect themselves from enemies.

Eventually, the Roman Empire got weaker and the Assyrian people were able to become independent again. But their history as a Roman province is still something they remember today.