ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Attentional blink

Attentional blink is when people have trouble paying attention to things that come really quickly one after the other. It's like when you're watching a really fast show on TV and your brain can't keep up with what's going on. It's kind of like when you blink your eyes really fast and you can't see anything for a second.

When we see something, it takes time for our brain to process what it is and decide what to do with it. If something else comes along too quickly, our brain is still busy working on the first thing and can't pay attention to the second thing as well. It's like trying to listen to two people talking at once - it's really hard to understand what either of them are saying!

Scientists have found that attentional blink happens when two things are shown to a person within a very short amount of time, usually in less than half a second. It's something that happens to everyone and it can make it hard to notice important things, like if someone is trying to tell you an important piece of information.

So if you're ever watching a movie or looking at pictures and you feel like you're having a hard time keeping up with what's happening, that's probably because of the attentional blink!
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