ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Audio crossover

Do you remember when you were building a jigsaw puzzle and you had to organize the pieces according to their color and shape? Well, an audio crossover is basically like that. When you listen to music, there are different sounds that come out of the speakers. Some sounds are low, like the bass or the drums, and some sounds are high, like the singer's voice or the guitar.

An audio crossover helps separate these different sounds and sends them to the right speaker. Think of it like a traffic cop. When the cop sees a big truck coming, they signal it to go straight ahead because it's too heavy to go on the small road. Similarly, an audio crossover detects the low sounds and sends them to the big speaker, which can handle them better. It detects the high sounds and sends them to the small speaker, which can handle them better.

This way, when you listen to music, all the sounds are balanced and you can hear everything clearly. It's like putting the puzzle pieces in the right place so you can see the whole picture.