ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Holographics

Australian holographics is a fancy way of making pictures that look like they are popping out of a flat surface. Think of it like putting on special glasses that make things look 3D, but instead of glasses, we use a special material called holograms.

Holograms are made by shining lasers onto a piece of plastic or film that has a pattern etched onto its surface. This pattern acts like a code that tells the laser how to scatter the light, creating an image that seems to float in mid-air. The image looks different depending on what angle you view it from, which is what makes holograms so cool!

In Australia, holograms are used for all sorts of things, like on bank notes to make them harder to counterfeit, on credit cards to prevent fraud, and even on driver's licenses to make them more secure. These holograms have intricate designs with details that are almost impossible to replicate, making them very tricky for bad people to copy.

So, the next time you see a cool 3D picture on your money, credit card or ID, know that it's a hologram that's helping to keep your things safe!