ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian words

G'day little mate! Let's talk about Australian words, or "Aussie slang" as some call it.

You know how sometimes your parents or teachers use words that you might not understand or sound different than what you're used to? Well, Australians have some words like that too that might seem strange to people who don't live there.

For example, instead of saying "hello" or "hi," Australians often say "G'day." It's kind of like a shorter way of saying "good day." And when they say "how are you?" they sometimes say "how ya going?" or "how's it going?" instead.

One really popular Australian word that you might have heard before is "mate." Aussies use it all the time to refer to their friends or even strangers they've just met. So if an Australian says "G'day mate," they're just saying "hello friend."

Another word that might confuse you is "bikkie." This actually means "cookie," but Australians like to use cute little nicknames for words sometimes. So if someone offers you a bikkie, they're just offering you a cookie.

But probably the word that will make you laugh the most is "chook." Believe it or not, this is the Australian word for "chicken." So if someone says "let's have some chook for dinner," they just mean they want to eat some chicken.

So there you have it, little mate. Some common Australian words that might sound funny to you but are just part of how Aussies talk.