ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Austronesian culture

Austronesian culture is a fancy way of talking about the way of life and traditions of the people who live in the islands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

Imagine playing with a toy boat in a big ocean - that's kind of like what it was like for the Austronesian people, who traveled by boat to different islands in the Pacific. They had to be really good at fishing and creating things out of things they found on the islands, like coconuts and bamboo.

The Austronesian people had really cool customs, too. They had their own languages, songs, and dances that they shared with each other as they traveled from island to island. They also had special ceremonies that celebrated things like the harvest or the changing of the seasons.

Overall, the Austronesian culture is all about being really creative and skilled at living on the islands, and coming together with other people to celebrate and share their traditions.