ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Authorized marches of the Canadian Armed Forces

Okay kiddo, do you know what the Canadian Armed Forces are? They are a group of people who work together to protect Canada and help out in emergencies or other situations where they are needed.

Now, sometimes the Canadian Armed Forces like to have marches. This means they all walk together in a big group, usually to celebrate or commemorate something important.

But not just anyone can decide to have a march with the Canadian Armed Forces. It has to be authorized, which means someone in charge gave permission for it to happen. This is because the Canadian Armed Forces are very important and need to be careful about when they do things like marches.

The authorization usually comes from someone higher up in the Canadian Armed Forces. They have to make sure that the march is going to be safe and that everyone who is involved is going to behave properly.

So, in summary, authorized marches of the Canadian Armed Forces are when a group of people in the Canadian Armed Forces are given permission to walk together in a big group to celebrate or commemorate something important. It has to be authorized by someone in charge to make sure that it is safe and everyone involved behaves properly.