ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Authorship of the Johannine works

So, there's this book called the Bible and it has different parts in it. One of those parts is called the Johannine works. It includes things like the Gospel of John (which talks about Jesus' life and teachings), some letters (called 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John), and the Book of Revelation (which talks about the end of the world).

Now, some people wonder who wrote these Johannine works. Some people think that a guy named John wrote them, but others aren't sure. Some people even think that different people wrote different parts of them.

The thing is, we don't have a way to be 100% sure who wrote these Johannine works. The people who lived at the time these books were written didn't really keep track of the author's name in the same way that we do today. And over time, things got lost or changed, so it's hard to know exactly who wrote what.

But even though we're not sure who wrote these Johannine works, we can still read them and learn about God and Jesus from them. And that's the most important thing!