ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automated tiered storage

Automated tiered storage is like having a bunch of toy containers that you can put your toys in. But instead of toys, we have computer files, like pictures or videos.

The containers are different sizes, and they are labeled on the outside with numbers from one to three. Number one is the smallest and number three is the biggest. Let's pretend we only have three containers for this example.

When we start putting our files in the containers, the most important ones, the ones we play with a lot, go in the number one container. The less important ones, the ones we don't play with very often, go in the number two or three containers.

The cool thing is that the containers know which files we play with the most and which ones we don't. So, if we stop playing with a toy and it goes into the number two or three container, the container might move it to the number one container if we start playing with it again.

By doing this, we can keep our important files close by in the number one container, and the less important ones in the number two and three containers. This makes it easier and faster for us to find the files we need.