ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automatic link establishment

Automatic link establishment is like playing a game of catch with your friend. You throw a ball to your friend and they catch it. But sometimes, it's hard to throw the ball far enough or your friend is far away and can't catch the ball. That's where automatic link establishment comes in.

There are special tools called radios that can help us throw the ball really far, like across an entire football field. But we need to make sure our friend's radio can catch the ball too. That's where automatic link establishment helps us.

Automatic link establishment is like having a special language that our radios use to talk to each other and make sure the ball (or signal) gets to where it needs to go. The radios automatically figure out the best way to talk to each other and adjust how they talk based on things like distance and interference.

So, if you're playing catch with your friend who is really far away, your radio will use automatic link establishment to help throw the ball to them and make sure they catch it. It's like magic!