ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automation bias

Hey kiddo, let me tell you about automation bias!

Have you ever had your parents or teacher tell you to always do your own work and not just copy what someone else did? Well, automation bias is kind of like that! It means that sometimes people trust machines or computers to do things for them, even if they're not sure the machine is right.

Imagine you have a toy that can add numbers for you. You tell it to add 2+2 and it says the answer is 5. Even though you know the right answer is 4, you might still believe the toy because you think it's really smart and always knows the right answer. This is automation bias!

But sometimes, machines can make mistakes or not have all the information they need to make the right decision. That's why it's important for people to double-check the work and not just assume the machine is always right.

So remember, just like how you need to do your own work and not copy someone else, you also need to make sure you double-check the work of machines and not just trust them blindly.