ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automobile repair shop

An automobile repair shop is a place where grown-up cars go when they get "sick" or "tired". Just like when we get sick and go to the doctor, cars go to the repair shop when they need help.

At the repair shop, there are special workers called mechanics who know how to fix cars. They use special tools to figure out what is wrong with the car and how to fix it. Sometimes they have to take the car apart and put it back together again to make it work.

The repair shop is a busy place with lots of different cars coming in and out all the time. Mechanics work hard to make sure each car is fixed and ready to go back on the road as quickly as possible.

So just like when we get sick, we go to the doctor, when cars get sick, they go to the automobile repair shop where the mechanics work hard to make them better!