ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autonomous administrative divisions of Spain

Hi kiddo! Do you know what Spain is? Spain is a big country in Europe where many people live. Inside Spain, there are smaller areas called autonomous administrative divisions.

Autonomous means that these areas have some special rights to govern themselves. They can make some decisions on their own, like how to spend money or what language to use. It's like a big group where each person can make some rules for their own smaller group.

There are 17 of these autonomous administrative divisions in Spain. Each one has its own government and rules, but they still have to follow the main laws of Spain too.

These autonomous administrative divisions are like having a big pie, but then dividing it into smaller pieces. Each individual piece of the pie has its own special flavor and way of doing things, but it's still part of the big pie. And just like you can choose which piece of pie you want, people who live in Spain can choose which autonomous administrative division suits them best to live in. Cool, huh?