ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Azerbaijan identity card

An Azerbaijan Identity Card is a little card that tells people who you are. It has your picture and some information about you on it, like your name, your birthday, and where you live. It's like a special little note that helps people know who you are and that you belong in Azerbaijan.

This card is very important because it helps you do things you need to do in Azerbaijan like voting, opening a bank account, or traveling. It's kind of like having a secret password that only you know.

To get an Azerbaijan Identity Card, you have to go to a special office where they take your picture and ask you some questions. They need to make sure that you are really who you say you are, so they ask a lot of questions and check your other documents like your passport or your birth certificate.

Once they are sure it's really you, they will give you the Azerbaijan Identity Card. It's a really special thing to have because it shows that you are a part of Azerbaijan and that you belong here.