ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bénédictine is a type of drink that adults sometimes enjoy. It is made from a special recipe that has been passed down through many years. The recipe includes a mixture of different herbs and spices, which give it a unique and tasty flavor.

To make bénédictine, the first thing people do is gather all the special herbs and spices they need. They mix them all together and let them sit for a while, so that all the flavors can mix together and become really delicious.

After the herbs and spices have sat for a while, they are mixed with alcohol. Alcohol is a special liquid that can make people feel a little funny if they drink too much of it, so it is important to be careful with it and only drink it when you are a grown-up.

Once the herbs, spices, and alcohol are all mixed together, they also add a sweetener to make the drink taste even better. This sweetener helps to balance out the strong flavors of the herbs and spices, so that everyone can enjoy the drink.

After everything is mixed together, the mixture is left to sit for a long time, sometimes even for years! This helps all the flavors to meld together and become even tastier.

When people are ready to drink bénédictine, they pour a little bit into a glass and enjoy it slowly. It is often served with ice or mixed with other drinks to create special cocktails.

Some people like to drink bénédictine because they enjoy the unique and complex flavors it has. Others may drink it because they think it tastes really good and it makes them feel fancy. But no matter the reason, it is always important to drink responsibly and only if you are old enough to do so.

So in summary, bénédictine is a special drink made from a secret recipe that includes lots of different herbs and spices. It is mixed with alcohol and sweetener, and then left to sit for a long time to become even tastier. Grown-ups enjoy it slowly because it tastes good and can make them feel fancy.