ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Back pain

So you know how sometimes when you play too hard or carry something heavy, your back hurts? That's what we call back pain.

Your back is made up of lots of tiny bones called vertebrae, and there are special cushioned discs between them to help them move smoothly. There are also muscles and ligaments that keep everything together and help you move.

Sometimes, these things can get hurt or damaged, and that can make your back hurt. It could be from carrying something too heavy, sitting in an awkward position for too long, or even just sleeping on a bad mattress. Sometimes, it can even happen for no reason at all!

When your back hurts, it can feel really sore or stiff. You might have trouble moving around or bending over. Sometimes, it can even hurt so much that you can't do anything but lie down.

But the good news is that most of the time, back pain goes away on its own after a few days or weeks. You can try some simple things to help it feel better, like taking a warm bath or using an ice pack. If it doesn't go away or gets really bad, it's a good idea to see a doctor or a chiropractor. They can help figure out what's causing your back pain and give you some treatments to help it feel better.