ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bagar tract

Bagar tract is a big area of land in the western part of the state of Haryana, India. It is named this way because the land in this region is usually hard and dry, and people have to work hard to cultivate crops and make a living.

Now imagine you have a big sandbox in your backyard. If the sand is soft and easy to dig, you can easily make different things like sandcastles and tunnels. But if the sand is hard and dry, it might be more difficult to work with and you may need to use special tools to dig through it.

Similarly, people in the Bagar tract area have to work hard to cultivate crops because the land is usually hard and dry. They use special techniques like planting crops that can tolerate those conditions and digging canals to bring water to the land.

But even with all these challenges, people in Bagar tract have learned to make the most out of the land and create a unique way of life that is different from other parts of India.