ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chak (village)

Hey kiddo! So have you heard of a chak? It's a name for a village, which is like a small town where lots of people live together in one area.

Let's imagine a chak like a small community with houses and buildings where people do different things like farming, selling goods, or making crafts. The people who live there are usually families and they know each other very well.

In a chak, there is a leader called a headman who is like a mayor or boss of the village. He helps make important decisions and solves problems that might come up in the village.

Some chaks might have things like a school where kids go to learn, a temple or mosque where people go for religious ceremonies, and maybe even a playground or park for kids to play.

Overall, a chak is like a small but tight-knit community where people live and work together, helping each other and creating a sense of belonging for everyone who lives there.