ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Desi daru

"Desi daru" is an alcoholic drink that is made in India using traditional methods. Think of it like making lemonade from scratch instead of buying it already made at the store.

First, people take different kinds of grains like wheat or rice and mix it with water. Then, they let it sit for a few days so it can ferment. Fermenting means that the mixture is left to sit and "breathe" so that the sugars inside break down and turn into alcohol.

Once the mixture has fermented, it is heated up to get rid of any impurities and to make the alcohol stronger. People can add different spices and flavors like cinnamon or cardamom to make it taste more interesting.

It's important to note that "desi daru" is not regulated like other alcoholic drinks, so it can be dangerous to drink too much since you don't know what's inside. As always, it's important to drink responsibly and in moderation.