Dhani is a kind of small village or settlement in rural areas of India. It is usually an area in which a few families reside together, typically made up of a cluster of huts or houses. These settlements can be found in various regions of India, such as in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Gujarat.
People residing in a dhani may follow farming, cattle rearing, or other traditional vocations. Life in a dhani may be simple and rustic, with the residents relying on each other for their basic needs. People living in a dhani may practice joint farming, as in, sharing their land and equipment for agriculture. The community in a dhani can be close-knit, with everyone coming together for ceremonies, festivals, and other important events.
The residents of a dhani can face numerous challenges including lack of access to essential services like healthcare, education, and proper sanitation. Since they live in remote rural areas, they may also be vulnerable to environmental, man-made, and natural disasters like droughts, floods, and earthquakes.
However, despite these challenges, people inhabiting in a dhani may have rich cultural traditions and unique ways of life that have been handed down for generations, serving as a living example of India's rural heritage.