ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, there's this thing called bakshy and it's pretty cool. It's actually a word that comes from a language called Hindi and it means "friend" or "buddy" in English.

Now, when people talk about bakshy online they usually mean something different. They're talking about how things go viral on social media. You know how when you see a funny video or a cute picture and you want to share it with your friends? Well, that's kind of what bakshy is all about.

When something goes bakshy, it means that it's getting shared a lot. Maybe you and your friends share it on Facebook, and then your friends' friends see it and share it too. Before you know it, lots and lots of people have seen it and shared it and it's gone really, really viral.

Now, there are lots of different things that can make something go bakshy. Maybe it's really funny, or really interesting, or really inspiring. Whatever it is, people just want to share it with their friends.

So, in a way, bakshy is kind of like having lots and lots of friends who all want to share the same thing with each other. And when that happens, it's pretty cool to see how something small can turn into something really big, all thanks to the power of friendship and sharing.