ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Banjawarn Station

Banjawarn Station is a big farm with lots of land and animals that is located in Western Australia, which is a part of Australia that is very far away from most other places. The people who own Banjawarn Station take care of the land and the animals there, and there are lots of different kinds of animals that live on the farm, like cows, sheep, and horses.

But Banjawarn Station is also special because a long time ago, there was something really bad that happened there. Some people put dangerous chemicals into the ground that were not safe, and it made the land and water around Banjawarn very, very bad for anything to live there. This is called contamination, and it means that the land and water are not safe for people or animals to use.

People have been working to clean up the contamination for a long time, but it is very hard work and takes a lot of time. Some people who live near Banjawarn Station are worried that the contamination might still be there and that it could make them sick. So, it's important to keep working on cleaning up the farm so that it can be healthy and safe again for people and animals.