ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Baptists are a group of people who believe in Jesus and follow the Bible. They are called Baptists because they believe in being baptized (which means getting dunked in water) as a way to show that they believe in Jesus and want to live a good life.

Baptists don't have a pope or a leader who tells them what to believe. Instead, they read the Bible and try to live their lives based on what it says. They also believe in freedom for everyone to worship how they want and to have their own opinion about God.

One thing that sets Baptists apart from other Christians is that they believe in baptism by immersion. This means that you get fully dunked in water instead of just having a little bit of water sprinkled on your head. They believe that this symbolizes being washed clean of your sins and starting a new life with God.

Baptists also believe that each person should make their own decision about whether or not to follow Jesus. They don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian or trying to convert people by force. They believe that God wants each person to come to him on their own and that it's important to respect people who have different beliefs.

Overall, Baptist people are kind, caring, and try to live a life that honors God. They believe in loving others and treating everyone with respect, just like Jesus did.