ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths

Okay, so imagine you have a magic book that tells stories. Some of the stories in the book are real and true, but some are made up or not exactly true.

Now, let's say you're reading the book and you come across a story that seems really interesting and exciting. This story is called "Bardo."

But as you keep reading, you start to realize that not everything in the story is true. Some parts seem kind of weird or made up, like a dream or a fairy tale.

So, "Bardo" is a story that mixes true things with not-true things. It's like a puzzle where you have to figure out what's real and what's made up. And even though some parts might not be true, the story is still important and worth reading because it can teach us things about life and our own thoughts and feelings.