ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Baroque is an old style of arts and architecture that started in Europe a long time ago. It was a way of doing things that was very fancy and used a lot of decoration. You might have seen pictures of buildings with big curvy shapes and lots of details like wreaths and flowers. That is what baroque looks like!

People who liked baroque wanted to show off and impress others with their fancy designs. They did not think that simple and plain things were good enough. They wanted to have more colors, textures, and designs so that everything felt really special and important.

Baroque was not only seen in buildings and artwork, but in music too. Baroque music had a lot of different sounds and instruments that played together to make a big and powerful kind of music. It was used in theaters, churches, and even at fancy parties.

Today, we can see some examples of baroque art and buildings all around us. We might not use this style as much anymore, but it still helps us understand how people used to think and create things long ago.