ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Batak script

Batak script is a type of writing used by the Batak people, who live in Indonesia. Just like how you learn to write your name in school, Batak people learn to write their language using special symbols called letters.

These Batak letters are arranged in rows and columns to make words and sentences, just like how you put letters together to make words in English. Each letter has a different sound and meaning, and when they are put together in a certain order, they make words that can be understood by other Batak speakers.

Just like how you might trace letters in your alphabet book, Batak people traditionally write on palm leaves or bark with a sharp tool called a stylus. Nowadays, they also use paper and pen or computers!

The Batak script has been used for hundreds of years and is still used today as an important part of Batak culture and identity.
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