ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Culblean

Once upon a time in a faraway place called Scotland, there were two very powerful families, the MacGregors and the Campbells. They were not always very friendly to each other, and sometimes they even fought against each other. One day, the MacGregors and the Campbells decided to meet in a place called Culblean to try and make peace between their families.

But unfortunately, things did not go according to plan, and before they knew it, they were fighting against each other in what became known as the Battle of Culblean. People were shouting and running around, swords were clashing, and there was a lot of chaos. It was not a very pleasant sight, and many people got hurt.

However, after a while, the MacGregors came out on top, and the Campbells were forced to retreat. The MacGregors had won the battle! But even though they had won, there were still many people who were hurt, and it took a long time for the families to finally make peace.

So, in conclusion, the Battle of Culblean was a fight between two Scottish families who were not very friendly to each other, and even though one family won, it was still a very sad and violent event that took a long time for people to forget.