ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bay View Massacre

Alright kiddo, let me explain the Bay View Massacre to you in a way that you will understand.

A long time ago, in the late 1800s, there was a very important thing called labor rights. People who worked in factories wanted better working conditions and fair pay. But their bosses, or the people in charge, didn’t want to give them those things because it would cost too much money.

One day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a group of workers called the “Knights of Labor” decided to go on strike, which means they stopped working until their bosses agreed to give them what they wanted.

The workers gathered in a place called the “Bay View Rolling Mills” to protest and demand better working conditions. But the owners of the mills, who were very rich and powerful, didn’t like the strike and sent some police officers to stop the workers.

The police officers asked the workers to leave, but the workers didn’t want to because they were angry and frustrated. So the police officers started shooting at them with their guns, and some workers got hurt or killed.

This terrible event is called the Bay View Massacre, and it’s an example of how sometimes people in power can get very mean and hurt innocent people who are just trying to improve their lives. It’s important to remember this event so that we can learn from it and make sure it never happens again.