ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beal's conjecture

Have you ever played a game where you try to guess a secret number and someone gives you hints if you're getting close? That's kind of like what Beal's Conjecture is about, but instead of guessing a number, we're trying to guess if another number is the combination of special numbers.

So, in math, we have things called prime numbers. These are special numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves (like 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.). Beal's Conjecture is about finding out if there are any combinations of prime numbers that can make another number. For example, 5 can only be made by adding 2 and 3 together (2+3=5).

But what if we have a bigger number, like 29? Can we make 29 by adding prime numbers together? We don't know for sure, but Beal's Conjecture says that if we have a bigger number like 29 that can be made by adding two or more prime numbers together, then we can find a way to represent it like this:

A^x + B^y = C^z

That might look like a bunch of letters and numbers, but it's kind of like a math puzzle. A, B, and C are all prime numbers, and x, y, and z are numbers we use to put those primes together.

So Beal's Conjecture is a really important math question that mathematicians are still trying to figure out. They want to know if there are any numbers that can be made by adding prime numbers together in different ways that can't be represented by this puzzle. It's kind of like trying to solve a really big and complicated puzzle!