ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beast of Gevaudan

Okay, so imagine you are in France a long time ago, when there were no phones or TVs or anything cool like that, and there were these stories about a really scary creature that was attacking people. That creature was called the Beast of Gevaudan.

Now this beast was not like any regular animal you might see like a cow or a dog or a bunny. It was huge, and had really sharp teeth, and its fur was super thick, and it was really good at running and hunting. It scared lots of people.

People tried to catch the beast, but it was really hard. They even tried to shoot it with guns, but it was really good at dodging and getting away. The beast just kept attacking people and animals, and everyone was really afraid.

Eventually, some brave hunters were able to track down the beast and kill it. But they found out that it was not a regular animal at all. In fact, some people thought that it might have been a mythical creature, like a werewolf or a demon.

We still don't know exactly what the Beast of Gevaudan was, but it's still a really interesting story that people talk about today.