ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beef bourguignon

Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about a really yummy dish called beef bourguignon.

It's basically a fancy name for a beef stew made with a lot of yummy ingredients.

First, we start with some beef, which is like meat from a cow. We cut it into small pieces and then we cook it in a pot with some oil until it turns brown on the outside.

Then, we add some vegetables like carrots and onions, which are chopped into small pieces, and we cook them with the beef until they become soft.

Next, we add some really yummy stuff like red wine, which is a type of grape juice that grown-ups like to drink. It makes the beef taste even better! We also add a type of bacon called lardon, which is chopped into small pieces and fried, and some herbs like thyme and bay leaves.

Finally, we let everything cook for a long time, like a few hours, until the beef and veggies become really tender and the flavors all mix together.

When it's done, we can scoop up the beef and veggies in a bowl and eat it with some bread, which is really good dipped in the gravy (the yummy sauce that forms from all the ingredients).

So that's beef bourguignon, a delicious meal that takes a while to make but is definitely worth it!