Bees are little flying insects that live in big groups called colonies or hives. They look kind of like little fuzzy balls with wings that buzz around.
Bees are really important for nature and our planet because they help plants grow by pollinating them. Pollination is when a bee lands on a flower, takes some of the pollen that's inside, and carries it to another flower. This helps fertilize the flower and eventually turn into a fruit or a seed. Without bees to pollinate, many plants would not be able to grow, and some important crops that we eat, like almonds or apples, would disappear.
Bees also make something called honey. Honey is sweet and gooey and tastes really yummy. Bees make honey by flying around and collecting nectar from flowers. They store the nectar in their stomachs and then they go back to their hive and spit it out into a honeycomb. The bees then flap their wings very fast to dry out the nectar and turn it into honey.
Bees are very important and we need to be kind to them. We should make sure not to hurt them by swatting or spraying them with harmful chemicals. If we see a bee, we should just leave it alone and let it do its important work.