ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behavioral change theories

Behavioral change theories are like tools that we can use to help us make changes in how we behave or act. Imagine that you want to learn how to tie your shoes all by yourself, and your parents show you step-by-step how to do it. They might use a picture book, or they might show you themselves, but either way, they're giving you a plan to follow. Behavioral change theories work the same way. They give us a plan or a guide to follow when we're trying to change something we do.

There are a lot of different theories out there, but most of them have a few things in common. They all try to explain why it's hard to change our behavior, and they all give us ways to make it easier. Here are some examples of the most common theories:

The social cognitive theory says that our behavior is influenced by our environment, our thoughts, and our emotions. So if we want to change something we do, we need to find ways to change those things. For example, if you want to start exercising more, you might try hanging out with friends who like to exercise, because they'll help you feel more motivated. You might also try changing the way you think about exercise, by telling yourself that it's fun and good for you.

Another theory is called the stages of change model. This one says that changing your behavior is a process that happens in stages. First, you might not even be thinking about changing, but then something happens that makes you realize you want to. Next, you might start planning what you need to do to make the change happen. And finally, you actually start doing the thing you want to change. This theory is helpful because it reminds us that change takes time, and it's okay to go through different phases.

The last theory we'll talk about is the health belief model. This one says that people are more likely to change their behavior if they believe the change will help them stay healthy. So if you want to start eating more vegetables, you might remind yourself that they're good for your body and will help you feel better. This theory is helpful because it reminds us to focus on our reasons for changing, so we stay motivated even when it's hard.

Overall, behavioral change theories help us understand why it's hard to change, and give us ways to make it easier. They remind us that change takes time, and that there are lots of different tools we can use to make it happen.