ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behavioral script

Imagine you are playing a game with your friends where you pretend to be different characters. Each character has their own way of talking, walking, and reacting to situations. This is kinda like a behavioral script!

A behavioral script is like a set of instructions that your brain follows when you are faced with a certain situation. Just like how you have different ways of acting when you are pretending to be different characters, you also have different ways of acting when you are doing different things.

For example, when you go to bed at night, you might have a certain routine that you always follow. Maybe you like to brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, and then read a book before going to sleep. This is your behavioral script for bedtime!

Sometimes, you might not even realize that you are following a behavioral script! It can be like a habit or a routine that you have done so many times that it just feels like second nature.

Overall, a behavioral script is kind of like a road map for your brain to follow when you are doing something. It helps you know what to expect and how to react to different situations in a consistent way.