Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in a country called Bengal which is now part of Bangladesh and India, some people spoke a language called Bengali.
But back then, the people who ruled over that country wanted everyone to speak a different language called Urdu, which was spoken by people who came from a different part of the country.
This made the Bengali people angry because they wanted to speak their own language, Bengali. So they started protesting and speaking up for their rights to speak their language.
People went on strike and protested by not going to school or work. They even had big rallies where they sang songs and gave speeches about how important their language was to them.
These protests went on for a long time, and it was a really big deal. The Bengali language movement showed that language and culture are important to people, and they should have the right to speak their own language.
Eventually, the government realized that they were wrong, and they agreed that Bengali should be recognized as an official language. This was a huge victory for the Bengali people and the language movement became a symbol of national pride and identity for many years to come.