ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Berlin airlift

Okay kiddo, so imagine we have a big country called Germany a long time ago, and after a big war, some countries were in charge of different parts of it. The part we care about is Berlin, which is a big city in the middle of the country.

Now, the people in charge of Berlin at this time were not getting along so well. Some countries wanted to run things one way, and others wanted to do things another way. And because they couldn't agree, the countries that were in control of Berlin couldn't get the things they needed to run the city, like food and supplies.

So, what did they do? Well, the people in charge of the time decided to fly in all these supplies into Berlin by plane. They flew in food, clothes, medicines, and other important things that people in the city really needed. They did it so much, they called it the Berlin Airlift.

And guess what? It worked! They were able to keep the people in Berlin from going hungry or getting sick because of the whole situation. The people who lived there were super grateful for all the pilots and other helpers who made it happen.

And that's it in a nutshell. The Berlin Airlift was when people flew in supplies to help a big city called Berlin that was going through a tough time.