ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beth din shel Kohanim

Okay, so imagine you and your friends have a disagreement about who gets to play with a toy. You can't agree on what to do, so you decide to ask an adult to help you figure it out. That adult is like the Beth Din – they're a group of important people who help solve problems between Jewish people.

Now, imagine that the problem is something really important, like deciding if someone did something wrong that goes against the Jewish religion. This is where the "shel kohanim" part comes in – it means that the Beth Din is made up of people who are specifically trained in Jewish laws and traditions.

So, when something like this happens, Jewish people can go to the Beth Din shel Kohanim for help. The Beth Din will listen to each side, look at the evidence, and then make a decision based on what they believe is the right thing to do according to Jewish law.

This way, everyone can feel like they've been treated fairly and that their concerns have been heard. And it helps make sure that everyone follows the rules of the Jewish religion, which is very important to many people.