ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bibi Aisha

Bibi Aisha was a young girl who lived in Afghanistan. When she was very young, her father promised her in marriage to a man from a neighboring tribe. Bibi Aisha didn't want to get married, but her father made her go through with it anyway.

Unfortunately, the man she married was very mean to her. He would hurt her, and she was very unhappy. One day, she tried to run away to go back to her family, but her husband's family caught her and punished her.

The punishment was very severe. They cut off Bibi Aisha's nose and ears, which made it very hard for her to breathe and hear properly. She was left for dead, but some people found her and took her to a hospital where she was able to get help.

Bibi Aisha's story is very sad, but it's important because it shows how some people in different parts of the world still treat women unfairly. We need to make sure that all girls and women are treated with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from.