ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biblical studies

Biblical studies is like a big puzzle game! The Bible is a book that has lots of different stories and teachings about God and how to live a good life. Biblical studies is all about studying and understanding those stories and teachings so we can learn what God wants us to know.

Think of it like a big treasure hunt. The Bible is like a map that leads us to treasure. Biblical scholars (people who study the Bible) are like treasure hunters. They look at each story and teaching in the Bible and examine it very carefully to see what it means.

One of the most important things that biblical scholars do is understand the context of each story or teaching they're studying. This means they try to understand what was going on in the world when the story was written, who wrote it, why they wrote it, and who they wrote it for.

For example, if we were studying a story about Jesus healing a blind man, we might want to think about things like: Where did this story come from? Who wrote it down? Why did they write it? What was happening in the world at that time?

Once we understand the context of a story, we can start to understand what it means. We might look at the words and phrases used in the story and think about what they could symbolize or represent.

Biblical studies can help us understand the Bible better so we can apply its teachings to our own lives. It's like a guidebook that can help us navigate our relationship with God and with others.