ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bicentennial National Trail

The bicentennial national trail is a very long path, like a big road, that goes through the middle of Australia, from the east coast to the west coast. This path is more than 5000 kilometers long and takes people through different types of land, like mountains, forests, and some really hot and dry areas too.

This path was made to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Australia's settlement in 1788, and it goes through many different areas that are important to Australia's history and culture. The path is marked by signs and maps, so people can follow it without getting lost, and there are also places to rest and get food and water along the way.

Many people like to walk or ride horses along this path, but it can also be done by bike, car, or even by camel! It is a big adventure and a great way to see Australia's natural beauty and learn about its history.