ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Big Tech

Okay, so imagine there are these really, really big companies that make a lot of really cool and useful things that we use every day. They make things like phones, computers, and social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We call these companies "Big Tech" because they are really big and they use a lot of technology to make their stuff.

Sometimes people get worried about Big Tech because they have a lot of information about people, like what they like, where they go, and what they buy. Some people worry that Big Tech might be using this information in ways that aren't fair or safe for people.

But Big Tech isn't all bad. They also make a lot of good things that help us learn, connect with friends and family, and get things done more easily. So, like with most things in life, there are good parts and bad parts to Big Tech.