ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, I'll explain it to you as simply as I can!

Biorisk is all about keeping people and animals safe from germs, viruses, and other harmful things found in living organisms.

Think about it this way - you know how your mom makes you wash your hands before eating? That's because there could be germs on your hands that might make you sick if you eat with dirty hands. That's a form of biorisk management!

Scientists and doctors also use biorisk to protect themselves and others from dangerous viruses and bacteria in their work. They wear masks, gloves, and special suits to keep germs from getting on them, and they use special tools and equipment to keep germs from spreading.

Sometimes, there are outbreaks of diseases like the flu or COVID-19. When that happens, biorisk becomes even more important because lots of people could get sick. Everyone has to work together to clean surfaces and follow safety rules like wearing masks and staying home when you're sick.

Biorisk is all about staying healthy and keeping others healthy, even when there are germs and viruses around.