Bitzi is a computer program that helps you find and share files on the internet. It works a bit like a library where you can find books, but instead of books, you can find music, movies, and other files.
When you want to find a file, you ask Bitzi to help you. Bitzi will look through all the files that are available on the internet and find the one you are looking for. Then, Bitzi will tell you where to find it, like giving you directions to the library where the book is located.
You can also use Bitzi to share your own files with other people. You can tell Bitzi which files you have, and Bitzi will help other people find them. This is like sharing your books with your friends and telling them where they can find them in the library.
Bitzi is really helpful because it makes it easier for people to find and share files on the internet. It's like having a computer friend who knows where everything is and can help you find it.