ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Black-red-green coalition

The black-red-green coalition is like a team made up of three different groups or parties who work together to try to run a government.

The first group is called "black" and they usually wear black colors to represent their party. This group is made up of people who have conservative or center-right ideas about how things should be run. They might be focused on things like keeping taxes low and supporting businesses so they can create jobs.

The second group is called "red" and they usually wear red colors to represent their party. This group is made up of people who have progressive or center-left ideas about how things should be run. They might be focused on things like equality, helping people who are struggling financially, and protecting human rights.

The third group is called "green" and they usually wear green colors to represent their party. This group is focused on environmental issues and making sure we take care of the planet we live on.

When these three groups work together, they can create a coalition. This means they try to find common ground and agree on things so they can all work together to make decisions about how to run the government. It's like a big puzzle, where each piece has a different color and shape, but they all fit together to make something bigger and better.

Sometimes, a black-red-green coalition can be tricky because the three groups might have different priorities or ideas about what's most important. But if they can all work together and compromise, they can accomplish a lot and make positive changes for the country they are running.