ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Blackfella" is a word that some people in Australia use to refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the indigenous people of Australia, which means they are the people who have lived in Australia for a very long time, even before other people came to settle there.

"Blackfella" is a word that has been used for a long time by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as a way of referring to themselves and other people like them. It is a word that has a lot of history and meaning.

However, the word "blackfella" is also a word that can be seen as disrespectful or offensive by some people. This is because it can be used in a negative way to stereotype or discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

So, while "blackfella" can be a word that some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people use to refer to themselves and others, it is important to be respectful and mindful of how it can be received by different people. It is always best to ask someone how they prefer to be referred to and to use their preferred term.